Welcome to Point/Counterpoint

There are no easy answers to the questions that dominate contemporary international relations. Each of us brings a unique background and a distinct set of priorities to the conversation, and more often than not, debate only makes matters less clear. That however, is no reason to shy away from debate.

Welcome to Point-Counterpoint. Every other week, two members from the McGill Debating Union will face off against one another to debate an issue in the realm of international relations. The debaters will take on opposing viewpoints and attempt to convince readers that their suggested course of policy should carry the day. The blog will cover a wide range of issues. Everything from our participation in the Sochi Olympic games to the best course of action in addressing the Syrian chemical weapons crisis is up for debate.

There may be no clear or objective answer to these complicated questions, but there is certainly a lot to learn. By exposing themselves to viewpoints they may disagree with, readers have an opportunity to gain valuable insights about conflicts, which they may otherwise have overlooked. Within the context of a debate, it can be surprising to see how another party thinks about a situation from such a radically different viewpoint. Yet, in every debate there is opportunity for agreement and reconciliation.

In the upcoming weeks, our authors will challenge conventional wisdom about international relations, engage in fierce debate, and do their very best to entertain readers.

-Lewis Fainer, President of the McGill Debating Union