Video: The Human Impacts of the TPP

Last week, the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Labour) released a video speaking about the real human impacts that the TPP (or Trans Pacific Partnership if you don’t already know). The video reminds us that there is more to the deal than simply trade or economics but that lives and livelihoods could be at stake with how the deal currently is. In the video we see Zahara, a cancer survivor explaining how the TPP can affect access to certain medications, like the ones keeping her alive. The TPP helps Big Pharma succeed over the ones who actually need medication. Saving or endangering someone’s life should not be a for-profit endeavour.

This video is heavy and to-the-point, being only one minute long but really gets to the point at what is at stake with the TPP. It is more than just trade but life also hangs in the balance. In a country where access to medical care is already so inaccessible why pass legislation that makes it even more so?

If you’d like to view the video check out the hyperlink above.

In Solidarity,
