Giving the Cold Shoulder to the INF

On 20 October 2018, Donald Trump expressed the United States’ intention to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. The INF is a foundational agreement from the Cold War, signed in 1987 by United States President…

Brett Kavanaugh in the Time of Me Too

As the swing vote on the Supreme Court, Justice Anthony Kennedy could not be pinned ideologically one way or the other. In practice, however, he sided with the Liberal justices on a number of key issues, including same-sex marriage and…

Who are We Without EU?

March 29th marked the start of the one year countdown to Brexit day, when the United Kingdom is set to begin to withdraw from the European Union. The outcome of the referendum in 2016 was certainly unexpected, with many still struggling to…

Terrorism Goes Viral

Unfortunately, terrorism is far from a new phenomenon, and it does not seem to be a passing occurrence. The harsh reality is that as humanity progresses forward with scientific research and technological advancement, terrorists also expand…

Tell Us the Truth Mr. Trump

On January 21st of this year, Sean Spicer deliberately lied when discussing the audience present at President Trump’s inauguration. He claimed that it was, “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and…

Fidel Castro: An Unlikely Role Model

In today’s international community, interaction is inevitable. Globalization and modernization have brought about a level of inter-relatedness that is unprecedented in its depth, breadth, and subsequent influence on international affairs.…