Final Reflections and Thoughts

After three years and 51 written pieces including articles and blog posts, I write to you, readers, today for the final time as a part of the McGill International Review and what a better send off than writing a piece on Labour Day (or one…

Video: The Human Impacts of the TPP

Last week, the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Labour) released a video speaking about the real human impacts that the TPP (or Trans Pacific Partnership if you don't already know). The video reminds us that…

Labour Focus: Qatar and Modern Slavery

Slavery does in fact still exist today in our modern world (as I wrote in a blog post a few weeks ago). It is not something to be relegated to an ancient colonial past. There are still as many 20-36 million people (worldwide numbers on…

Labour Focus: The West Bank

In 2013, the primary and secondary Palestinian Teacher's Union went on strike after demands for a salary increase were consistently not met. The original deal that Palestinian Authority (PA) had struck with the union was a 10% salary…

Justice for Egypt and Regeni

In my last post, I wrote about the untimely death of Giulio Regeni, an Italian PhD student brutally beaten and murdered allegedly by the Egyptian government, an investigation is yet to be had. Today marks one month since his disappearance…

Scalia and The Future of Union Dues

It seems like there has been so much going on in America lately, it pains me not to write about it... A monumental event in American politics and quite simply American life happened Saturday, the day before Valentine's Day, when…

Canada to sign TPP

Over the past couple of weeks and in one of my latest articles you have probably noticed me writing about one thing more than others - the TPP. There are many reasons for this. Among others, this trade deal has the potential to give new,…

Labour Focus: Vietnam and the TPP

If you type "Vietnam and the TPP" into Google or any search engine as I did, you would probably think that it paints a very positive picture for Vietnam, calling Vietnam the potential "big winner of the TPP". The articles though (from…

Movies for the Working Class

To go a little off of what I had done a few weeks ago here is a list of some movies that are sure to make you want to rise up and defeat the oppressive capitalist plutocrats that are the modern powers that be (in no particular order). Sorry…

Labour Focus: Iran

For this post, WOTW will be looking at a phenomenon in the Middle East: growing labour activism in Iran. When Iran comes to mind, the topic of conversation is generally the same: state-sponsored terrorism, their controversial nuclear…

The TPP Released in Full Detail

You thought I would be finished talking about it didn't you! Well you were wrong. I am sorry once again for deviating from what I said this post would be about but something very important has just been released - the full details of the…

Labour Focus: Egypt

Instead of doing one long overview of labour movements in developing countries I have decided to zoom in to a particular conflict between workers and their employers in a particular place for the next few posts. The situation is not…

Thoughts on the New Liberal Government

Because of some time constraints that have been placed upon me (mostly because of my own procrastination) I will not have time to write a post about the original topic I had intended to write about: grassroots labour movements in developing…

Ebola and the Politics of Fear

"What has happened recently with Ebola reminds us that in an age of globalization and particularly global trade and travel, what was a problem that was at one time far away from us could arrive at our shores very quickly." This quote from…

The Cult of Xi?

After the death of long-time leader and despot Mao Zedong in the late 1970s, Chinese heads of state have attempted to avoid the traits of a “personable” leader in an attempt to not evoke the image of the late ruler. Instead recent leaders…

The Case for Chinese Democracy

It was over 100 years ago that Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, a pivotal figure in the 1911 revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty and saw the establishment of the Republic of China, said about democracy to the Chinese people: “This world trend is…