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Laïcité au Québec: un débat enflammé
En raison de la diversité des croyances et des traditions, la liberté religieuse est l'une des libertés les plus…
Earth Week is for Activists
Moreover, the future costs associated with climate change will unquestionably fall upon today’s young generations.…
Is Canada Falling Behind When it Comes to Ethical AI?
The European Union recently unveiled a set of guidelines aimed at the ethical regulation of artificial intelligence…
The Forgotten Territory
Bringing up Nunavut in conversation often elicits one common reaction—usually something along the lines of "sorry…
Conceiving Green: An Interview with Thomas Mulcair on…
“When what you’re doing doesn’t work, do something else.”
Those are the words of Thomas Mulcair, former leader of…
A Woman’s Place is In the House (of Commons)
If we want young women to truly be engaged in politics, we must support their right in this country to make their…
Canadian Law, the Production of Difference, and Religion
We Canadians frequently pride ourselves on our multicultural society. Unlike assimilationist cultures, such as…
The Planet Goes to University
Among those interviewed by the MIR, there was an overwhelming sense of urgency; a fear of what the future,…
Why the Digital Age Needs Basic Income
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column on economic populism and attempted to describe why the dogma is surgically…
The Frozen Frontier: Climate Change Attracting Global…
The trajectory of events around the North Pole may be uncertain but with market forces and geopolitical strategy at…
Canada’s Unique Private Sponsorship Program for…
The past 40 years have seen other refugee crises come and go in many other countries, but the way in which Canada…
Affaire SNC-Lavalin : tempête dans un verre d’eau…
«L’affaire SNC-Lavalin a pris une énorme ampleur durant le dernier mois. Bien qu’il soit possible que Trudeau et…