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The Business of Punishment: The Prison Industrial…
The exploitation of prison labour by private corporations is “one aspect among an array of relationships linking…
The Aftermath: Brexit – Part 2
After over three years of negotiations, failed proposals, and leadership changes, the United Kingdom is finally set…
The Aftermath: Brexit – Part 1
After over three years of negotiations, failed proposals, and leadership changes, the United Kingdom is finally set…
One day in Luanda
Eleven years after her first visit, MIR Editor Anja Helliot returned to Luanda, Angola's capital, to reconnect with…
The Culpability of Hjalmar Schacht: Part 2
"When Hjalmar Schacht was appointed the Minister of Economics by Hitler in 1934, he set off to tighten his grip on…
The Culpability of Hjalmar Schacht: Part 1
“But Schacht, don't you realise how fond I am of you?" This affectionate statement came from the most unlikely…
Are Contemporary Art Galleries Victims of Globalization?
Now established spaces symbolic of expression and innovation, galleries nevertheless meet economic imperatives in…
The Role of Governments in Reducing Inequality
Editor's Note: This article was selected by the McGill International Review as the winner of the Secondary Schools'…
Stealing the City
What do Manhattan's millionaire elite and subway fare-jumpers have in common? Both are stealing from the city.…
Chilean and Haitian Protests: The Impact of Nationalism…
For countries like Chile and Haïti, nationalism has encouraged collective solidarity and has lead people to work…
Produire Plus ou Produire Vert? Une incompatibilité à…
Peut-on continuer à produire plus de richesse et d’emplois sans détruire notre planète? Tel est donc le défi de…
L’Argentine et l’éternel retour du péronisme
L’élection d’Alberto Fernandez annonce le retour du péronisme en Argentine, qui a gouverné le pays 24 ans sur les…