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Alors que l’Arctique se Réchauffe, une Guerre Froide se…
Alors que l'Arctique se réchauffe trois fois plus vite que la moyenne mondiale, les grandes puissances intensifient…
Revisiting the 2012 Quebec Student Strike
The 2012 student strike brought young people together and sparked engagement in politics at all levels. There are…
Is Cultural Commodification A By-Product of Backpacker…
The intricate relationship between the phenomenon of cultural commodification and the history of global tourism but…
Dollarisation en Argentine : Panacée Économique ou Pari…
Il existe un vieux dicton parmi les économistes : « Tout au long de l'histoire, il n'y a eu que quatre types…
Walking the Line of Justice and Stability: East Timor…
East Timor is a nation that runs on democratic principles and maintains that justice should be considered a…
How Can The African Food System Reconcile Two Divergent…
While the Summit focuses on building back a better food system on the continent, a glaring hole is present among…
Grève des United Automobile Workers: le début d’une…
Le 15 septembre, les dirigeants du United Automobile Workers (UAW) ont annoncé le début d’une grève syndicale. Le…
Best Road Forward: How can Argentina Manage its Economic…
Whilst trade with Brazil would ensure a source of income for Argentine firms, complications have arisen around how…
À la Mode: Paris Fashion Week 2023
Fashion week can be worth it, but only if it is a driver of change throughout the entire fashion industry.
L’incapacité du Liban à se réformer : où en est-on…
Depuis trois ans, les crises s'enchaînent et se cumulent au Liban. Le pays est plongé dans une grave crise…
Who Should Pay for Climate Change: The Polluter Pays…
The necessity of developing sustainable and tangible climate change policy is undeniable, but implementation is…
Conservative Party Populism: The Rise of Pierre…
On September 10, 2022, Pierre Poilievre won the Canadian Conservative party leadership race with 68 per cent…