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Is Cultural Commodification A By-Product of Backpacker…
The intricate relationship between the phenomenon of cultural commodification and the history of global tourism but…
Dollarisation en Argentine : Panacée Économique ou Pari…
Il existe un vieux dicton parmi les économistes : « Tout au long de l'histoire, il n'y a eu que quatre types…
Walking the Line of Justice and Stability: East Timor…
East Timor is a nation that runs on democratic principles and maintains that justice should be considered a…
How Can The African Food System Reconcile Two Divergent…
While the Summit focuses on building back a better food system on the continent, a glaring hole is present among…
Grève des United Automobile Workers: le début d’une…
Le 15 septembre, les dirigeants du United Automobile Workers (UAW) ont annoncé le début d’une grève syndicale. Le…
Best Road Forward: How can Argentina Manage its Economic…
Whilst trade with Brazil would ensure a source of income for Argentine firms, complications have arisen around how…
À la Mode: Paris Fashion Week 2023
Fashion week can be worth it, but only if it is a driver of change throughout the entire fashion industry.
L’incapacité du Liban à se réformer : où en est-on…
Depuis trois ans, les crises s'enchaînent et se cumulent au Liban. Le pays est plongé dans une grave crise…
Who Should Pay for Climate Change: The Polluter Pays…
The necessity of developing sustainable and tangible climate change policy is undeniable, but implementation is…
Conservative Party Populism: The Rise of Pierre…
On September 10, 2022, Pierre Poilievre won the Canadian Conservative party leadership race with 68 per cent…
The Pros and Cons of Climate Change: cost-benefit…
Even a small adjustment in interest rate predictions can be the difference between whether or not a climate…
The New Resource Curses of the Green Economy
Just as oil and precious metals produced authoritarianism and instability throughout the 20th century, rare earth…