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Carrot-and-Stick Climate Politics
Given the outcomes of the UN Climate Action Summit, the tactic of blocking some countries from the world stage was…
L’action climatique: un combat individuel, une lutte…
S’il semble difficile pour chacun d’assumer sa part de responsabilité c’est parce que l’on oublie trop souvent que…
Montreal’s Climate March in Photos
On Friday, September 27, nearly half a million people in Montreal took part in one of the largest climate strikes…
Protesting on Parc: Montreal’s Friday for Future
It's one thing to watch a crowd move down a street, but it's another thing to be in it. It's like being pulled by a…
The Amazon Rainforest and Arctic Circle are on Fire.…
We're not just talking about polar bears anymore. We are talking about catastrophic environmental events putting…
Can We Be Against the Pipeline and For the Liberals?
On June 17th, the House of Commons voted to affirm that we are in a national climate emergency. It passed 186 to…
Earth Week is for Activists
Moreover, the future costs associated with climate change will unquestionably fall upon today’s young generations.…
“Green” Finance: Climate Cash, or Cash…
What motivates these activist investors, representing entire institutions managing several trillion dollars in…
Conceiving Green: An Interview with Thomas Mulcair on…
“When what you’re doing doesn’t work, do something else.”
Those are the words of Thomas Mulcair, former leader of…
We’re Getting There
For more detailed coverage of the March 15th Climate Strike in Montreal, Check out this article by Alexandra…
The Planet Goes to University
Among those interviewed by the MIR, there was an overwhelming sense of urgency; a fear of what the future,…
The Frozen Frontier: Climate Change Attracting Global…
The trajectory of events around the North Pole may be uncertain but with market forces and geopolitical strategy at…