Browsing Category
Heating up in the High Arctic
NATO has been slow to respond to the growing interest in the arctic compared to its rivals. While China and Russia…
Produire Plus ou Produire Vert? Une incompatibilité à…
Peut-on continuer à produire plus de richesse et d’emplois sans détruire notre planète? Tel est donc le défi de…
British Columbia’s Declining Forestry Industry is…
The B.C. forestry industry was once proof that natural resource-based industries can turn a profit and serve to…
Républicains et Démocrates ou la fracture…
Donald Trump a annoncé sa décision de quitter formellement les accords de Paris. Mais le départ concret ne pourra…
The Risk of a Flooded Isthmus
Lying in the flood plain are the Trans-Canada Highway, all electricity lines that link Nova Scotia to the country,…
The Climate March’s New (and Old) Direction
The streets of the world have been flooded recently — not by the Earth’s rising oceans, but by people…
“Sin agua no hay vida”: Indigenous…
Indigenous communities, particularly those in Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, are working to combat…
Taking Climate Change to Court
The plaintiffs claim that the countries’ failure to reduce emissions at the maximal level is in violation of their…
The War on Carbon: Climate Security as National Security
Government is capable of quick and decisive actions, but unfortunately for the climate movement in the U.S., action…
It’s Time to Hold Big Business Responsible for…
It’s time to place the burden of saving a planet we are not responsible for destroying onto the back of big…
La Chine face au défi environnemental
"...Malgré des résultats encore timides, la Chine semble se donner les moyens de ses ambitions écologiques. Face à…
Marche pour le climat: les enjeux de la mobilisation à…
Sur le court terme, cette manifestation d’une ampleur sans précédent au Québec témoigne d’une prise de conscience…