Browsing Category
Aung San Suu Kyi: Queen of Selective Compliance
How is it possible that one of the most damning genocides of the 21st century–the Rohingya genocide–unfolded in…
MIR Meets: David Sax
Host Andrew Xu sits down with David Sax, a Canadian freelance journalist and the author of The Future Is Analog:…
Opinion: Why Did We Believe George Santos?
George Santos' elaborate, easily disprovable lies raise questions about who we believe and why we choose to believe…
Greenwashing: Unearthing Deceptive Marketing Strategies
The phenomenon of fashion brands and retailers falsely presenting themselves as “sustainable” or “eco-friendly”…
L’union fait la loi
Un nouvel acteur mondial commence à peser dans les sujets de souveraineté et de politique numérique, alors que…
Can Netball Help All? The Sport Aiding Women’s Fight…
Sports have a universal power to help people face adversity. The sport of netball holds a special ability to help…
Les sanctions contre la Russie sont-elles des armes de…
Depuis février 2022 et le lancement de son « opération militaire spéciale » en Ukraine, le Kremlin est sous le feu…
PART II: Neo-Luddites and the Era of AI
Artificial Intelligence is gradually shifting the job landscape, leaving some worse off than others. In this AI…
“I Came Here for a Better Life” – How Canada’s…
Canada must ensure that the message it portrays of being open to immigrants aligns with appropriate measures to…
Chute de FTX : L’échec des cryptos
La faillite de la deuxième plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaie, FTX, considérée il y encore quelques semaines…
At This Rate: the Post-Pandemic Canadian Housing Market
The embattled and weary state of the post-pandemic housing market in Canada.
Tremblements de terre meurtriers : Comment la politique…
Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 qui a frappé la Syrie et la Turquie le 6 février dernier a exacerbé l’état…