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THЭ VЭRΔICT: The Case of Irianna V-L
This is the beginning of a two part story of justice, political affiliation and questionable evidence that has torn…
Roadblock to Sovereignty: How Québec’s Separatist…
Similar to previous seasons, this autumn has had more than its fair share of political controversy. Independence is…
Executives in Exile: Venezuela’s Missing Court
Throughout 2016, the United States' presidential election featured vehement debates regarding the future of…
A Closer Look at the Alleged “War on Coal”…
The poisonous relationship with coal that individuals in poverty-stricken regions make it a difficult subject to…
DNAinfo: The End of a Local News Era
Last week, billionaire Joe Ricketts announced that he was shutting down the media conglomerate DNAinfo-Gothamist,…
Abenomics: A Fiscal Breakthrough for Women and Migrants
Despite Japan experiencing its harshest recession since the 2008 financial meltdown in early 2014, Japanese Prime…
Repealing the Clean Power Plan: A Step in the Wrong…
On the 10th of October, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced “the war on coal is…
China and Bitcoins: A Complicated Relationship
Cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency using cryptography, is on the rise due to its two main characteristics:…
India’s Healthcare Paradox
Recent months of this year have revealed a grim reality of the Indian healthcare system. In August and September of…
Sustainability: More than Just an Environmental Issue
Editor's Note: This article is the first of a series on sustainability by Kara Anderson. Later on, we examine…
The Value of Pragmatism: Challenges and Opportunities…
The Eurozone’s imperfect monetary union eats away at the political and social project of the EU as a whole. As…
What Happened Then and What It Means Now: An Evening…
The crowd was buzzing with anticipation after comedian Andre Philippe Gagnon had finished his act. People were…