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Turkey’s Cartoonists Under Fire, Freedom of Speech…
In the beginning of January 2015, an attack that took place in the office of satirical magazine Charlie…
THЭ VЭRΔICT: The Dima Yakovlev Law
The Dima Yakovlev Law: Orphans, Abuse and Political Stratagem
July 8th 2008: Dimitri Yakovlev, renamed…
Back in Session: Canada’s Progress on Policies and…
Since Parliament entered summer recess, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been busy attending the G7, walking in …
Finding a Middle Way: Reconciling Religion with Politics…
As of September 2017, Turkish school curriculums will no longer teach Darwin’s widely accepted Theory of Evolution.…
The Horn of Africa: Black Rhino conservation in Kenya…
The State of Rhinos in Africa
Global rhino populations today are a tenth of what they were at the…
Saving Illinois Elections: Campaign Finance Reform
Last week, Ameya Pawar, alderman from the 47th ward of Chicago, dropped out of the Illinois Democratic primary…
Uganda’s Refugee Paradise
A quick Google search into Uganda’s refugee policy and you will find yourself eye-to-eye with the world’s most…
Puerto Rico: The Forgotten Territory
Tragedies should never go unnoticed, particularly not if the tragedy is of the magnitude which Puerto Rico faced…
Not So Sharif: “Fontgate”, Praetorianism and…
The resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif over his family’s offshore wealth revealed by the Panama Paper leaks…
The Walls of Venezuela: How Millions of Venezuelans are…
As reported by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), worldwide displacement has hit an all-time high. With instances like…
Take a Knee: NFL Protests and the Concept of…
The eyes of Sunday football-goers have been on more than just the game since the start of this NFL season.…
An Overview of the 2017 Montreal Mayoral Election
When Montrealers head to the polls on November 5th to cast their ballots in the municipal elections, it will mark…