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Factionalism in China on the Eve of the 19th Party…
The 19th Party Congress will reveal the extent of Xi’s political control throughout the state, as his loyal…
London Bans Uber, Opposing Its Post-Brexit “Open for…
Uber, the San Francisco-based ride-hailing service, is set to lose its license to operate in London, following its…
Duterte’s War on the Poor: A Question of Bias
Over the past month, the Philippines has undergone a series of legislative changes that have exacerbated its…
The North Remembers: America’s Role in…
US President Donald Trump delivered a fiery speech at the UN General Assembly in September in which he threatened…
Women of Saudi Arabia: On the Jagged Road to Parity
Within the span of a few months, women’s rights in the male-dominated Saudi state have finally left the dark ages,…
HB 40: Saving Abortion Access in Illinois
Last week, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed House Bill 40 into law. HB 40 expands public funding for abortions…
Cross-Border Blues: Asylum Seekers Leaving the U.S. for…
Since the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump, the world has been captivated by the whirlwind of…
A House Divided: The GOP’s Struggles to Repeal…
Just before 1:30am, on July 28th, 2017, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) shocked his colleagues and the American…
Impunity and Machismo: Femicide Epidemic in Mexico
On the night of Thursday September 8, 19-year-old political science student Mara Fernanda Castillo went out…
Law and Justice and Hate Crime: Will the UN Change…
On September 22nd 2017, the Human Rights Council at the UN Headquarters in Geneva adopted Universal Periodic Review…
Will Venezuela Bite on Bitcoin?
According to the United States Federal Reserve, the ideal inflation rate in a given year is 2%. However,…
Japan’s Decades-Long Dominant Party Gets a…
On September 17, Japanese media outlets buzzed with speculation that Prime Minister Shinzō Abe was preparing to…