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“Cosmopolitan”: A Dog Whistle of the…
The Trump Administration recently endorsed a plan to cut legal immigration by half and prioritize well-educated…
Italy’s Migrant Crisis: A Burgeoning Disaster
Of all the countries in Europe to be affected by the migrant crisis, Italy has been left with the brunt of the…
A Boiling Point in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
After a difficult summer, Azerbaijan and Armenia’s precarious conflict is in danger of erupting. It is an issue…
Legality and Security: Where Humans and Machines…
Editor's Note: This article is the fourth of Kara Anderson’s ongoing series on contemporary…
Yin and Yang: China’s Rise and the Future of the…
Rise of China:
China is a rising revisionist power, seeking to realign the status quo in the Pacific…
Power Traps and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nearly every nation in Sub-Saharan Africa has faced power traps and institutional instability since their…
Africa’s Fintech Revolution
Technological hubs and startup revolutions are rarely discussed in the context of development. In Africa, however,…
The Dark Side of Populism: Trump vs. The Media
To most observers, it is obvious that Trump has a deep aversion towards the media, at least to the outlets that…
Venezuela’s Crisis: The Start of a Dictatorship?
Protests, violence, and hunger seem to have taken over Venezuela. Ever since the death of former president Hugo…
The Road to Japan’s First Woman Leader Just Got…
The world of Japanese politics, mundane on most days, was turned upside down last July when Yuriko Koike, a…
A Falling House of Cards: How Trump Could Cost the GOP…
Just recently, GOP efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) collapsed in the U.S. Senate chamber, a major…
A Bit of Blue Dog, a Bit of Bernie
Democrats were dealt a fresh round of disappointment earlier this June in Georgia. After raising nearly $24 million…