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The Democratic Party’s Changing Politics on…
After decades of nearly unquestioning support for the Israeli state, a lethargic linchpin of U.S. foreign policy…
Ransom Payments: A Double-Edged Sword
Kidnapping foreign citizens in exchange for ransom money has become one of the key methods of financing and…
Striking: The Habit Must Go in The Land of Liberté,…
On the gray Parisian morning of March 3rd, Mrs. Dupont came down for breakfast to discover that there was no…
Clegg and Common Sense: How the Remain Campaign Needs to…
The European Union Membership Referendum looms ever closer for the United Kingdom and unsurprisingly, the rhetoric…
An Army with a State: Pakistan’s Serial Praetorians
Two states were born at the stroke of midnight on August 14th 1947 from the twilight of the British Raj in the…
NDP: New and Old
The NDP party, while historically significant to Canadian politics, has previously had to deal with the challenge…
The Drug War: A Series of Interconnected Failures
Dating back to the Cold War era, US national security objectives have played a strong part in deciding US state…
Love in the time of Censorship: How One Show Slipped…
Iran is not a country known for having free and liberal censorship laws and so it is a shock to many that the new…
Sanders’ Views on Israel May be Representative of Strong…
During the Democratic Presidential Primary debate on April 14th, Bernie Sanders expressed support for the…
An American Rock and an Even More American Hard Place
The 2016 US Presidential Election will be the fascination of historians for years to come. Right now, the current…
George Washington, Gerrymandering, and the Galactic…
Over the past year, we at the McGill International Review have done our very best to give you insightful analysis…
Call for an Anti-Oppressive Approach
Over six months ago, I questioned whether the appointment of a Saudi Arabian ambassador to chair the Human…