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Charlie Hebdo Un An Après: Right to Offend and Right to…
Around this time last year, two radicalized French jihadists attacked the Paris offices of a satirical weekly…
For Caliphate and Country: Britain’s Imperial…
Prime Minister David Cameron cannot ignore the legacy of Britain's colonial history in the Arab world as he begins…
Don’t Cry for Argentina
We are but in the early days of 2016. Looking back, the sheer madness of the past year is astounding. …
Erdogan’s Balancing Act
As the new year unfolds, Turkey—under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan—will continue to hold an increasingly…
The Outcomes of HIV/AIDS: Increase in Poverty
Since the outbreak of Ebola, it seems as though we have not heard much about HIV/AIDS around the world. As one of…
Gender Discrimination in South Korea
Confucianism was, and still is, deeply rooted in South Korea’s society. One particular theme is patriarchy where …
A Weakened Saudi Arabia and Its Rift With Iran
After a rapid, and unfortunate, series of events that took place in the Middle East during the first weekend in…
The Absence of Reason: Gun Legislation in America
A frightening trend in current American politics is the lack of conversation. Discourse appears to be dominated by…
COP 21 – Regard sur les Caraïbes
L’accord de Paris peut-il être historique ?
La semaine dernière, un accord international et « historique » a été…
COP 21 – L’experience d’une Stagiaire
Étudiante en master 1 d’histoire contemporaine à l’université Paris Sorbonne, j’ai eu la chance de faire un stage à…
The Reasons Behind the Ploy: The EU Turkey Summit
On November 29th, the European Union (EU) signed a deal with Turkey regarding the waves of Syrian and other…
The Case for International Drug Policy Reform
The United Nations is under pressure from both local and global organizations leading up to a General Assembly…