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Is It Time for Legault to LeStop?
"Bill 96 exemplifies an intergenerational cultural wound between Canadian Anglophones, Francophones, and First…
How Trumpism is Outlasting Trump
Though political careers do not last forever, political legacies have no expiration date. Trumpism – Donald Trump’s…
Famine and Democratic Backsliding: The Long-Term…
When essential resources become increasingly scarce, authoritarian figures and institutions are emboldened to act…
Right to Repair: Where Is It Now?
Today, device manufacturers have more of a say in the lifespan of their product than consumers do. Owning an…
Weathering the Storm of Global Food Insecurity
As extreme weather events increase in intensity and frequency, global food supplies are threatened.
Bears, Rideshares, and Graduation Nightmares: A Guide to…
Lots of terms are being thrown around — recession, bear market, stagnation — and some have technical definitions…
The Future of the Opioid Crisis: Why Decriminalization…
It is precisely this difference in mindset that made Portugal’s drug decriminalization work. Victims caught in the…
Diplomatic Failures and a Paralyzed North African…
Diplomatic inaction has paralyzed the situation and prevented stability and security in the North African region.
Mask Hysteria: Hygiene Theater and COVID Safety…
Host Andrew Xu sits down with science writer and editor Yasmin Tayag, to discuss hygiene theater and the…
The Global Supply Chain’s Chokehold on the American Diet
As cultural tides shift and consumers take an increased interest in their food beyond the “checkout scanner,” so…
The Seventeenth Philippine President
The recent 2022 Philippine election came as a shock to the international community. What exactly were the factors…
A New Pink Tide in Latin American Politics
While the popularity of the Right in Latin America peaked only a few years ago, the resurgence of the "pink tide"…