Browsing Category
The Last Straw: Federal Scientists and…
The union representing scientists and professionals serving in the federal public service dropped their…
Ebola: Bilan & Avenir
À l’heure où le Libéria annonce la fin de l’état d’urgence sur l'Ebola et la fin de l’épidémie au sein de la RDC …
Qatar’s Niche Foreign Policy
Throughout history, the normative concept of states evolved and in the modern era statehood is granted through …
Why Canada Needs Inheritance Tax
French economist Thomas Piketty has risen to prominence over the past few years thanks to his book, “Capital in the…
Sanctioning Russia: Effective or Unnecessary?
Earlier this year, following Russia’s annexing of Crimea and the recent increase in tensions following the…
Weekly Roundup: The World Seen From A Different Angle
This week, MIR Online challenged readers to explore issues outside their commonly defined realms. Our writers…
“Just watch me!” – false flag politics and terrorism
On October 22nd 2014, an armed individual assaulted the National War Memorial as well as the Parliament…
Genocide and R2P: Bittersweet Rememberance
Is the word "genocide" becoming a commodity on the market for political influence?
On October 29th, the Montreal…
La France et Le Voile Intégral: Un Débat Sans Fin?
Il y a seulement un mois, un couple musulman été prié de quitter la salle de spectacle de l’Opéra de Paris sous…
Bons baisers du Kremlin
Le retour de Vladimir Poutine au pouvoir était téléguidé: à l’issue d’un second et dernier mandat, impossible de se…
Paving the Way: Algeria in Transition
With the ailing Bouteflika increasingly absent from the political scene, talks of his succession and…
Racism or Tradition: The Annual Dutch Struggle with…
The Netherlands is viewed throughout the world as one of the most liberal and tolerant countries of the modern…