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The Great Liberal Dodge
When it comes to the naïve-cynic political spectrum, I really try to sit right in the middle. No really, I do.…
“By the time we can join, the EU won’t even…
On January 21st 2014, the European Union began formal negotiations with Serbia regarding the Balkan country’s…
The Curious Case of Scott Reid
It's hard to get a handle on MP Scott Reid. Mercurial? Thinking man? Old school Parliamentarian? Perhaps he…
Transnationalism, Sovereignty and the Problems of Human…
Although international, regional, and domestic actors have spearheaded a large role in the pursuit of legitimate…
Lester Pearson and the Suez Crisis: Lessons in Canadian…
Only twenty years into its foreign policy independence, Canada’s top diplomat had ended what could have been an…
Social Media and IR: Reconsidering Liberalism
Following November’s article about social media as a political tool and its position in a realist interpretation of…
Procedure as Handcuffs, Procedure as Wings
This week, MIR and Loon Calls introduces a new columnist. Nadir Khan is a Canadian politics junkie and former…
Truth and Reconciliation: Transitional Justice and…
The interface between religious traditions and globalization is creating new tensions and unprecedented challenges.…
Lester Pearson and the Suez Crisis: Lessons in Canadian…
To date, only one Canadian has ever received the Nobel Peace Prize. Lester B. Pearson, Secretary of State for…
Canada 2014-2015: Election Fever
So here we are, upon a new year, 2014, with the arrival of a revived game politic in Canada. In Toronto, Mayor Ford…
Neo-Nationalism in the Far East: A Cause for Concern?
Neo-nationalism seeks to define new ways to advocate and preserve a national ethos. Unfortunately, in some…
Has “Zero Problems with Neighbours” Failed?
The current crisis in Syria has seen a largely inconsistent and vacillating foreign policy response from Turkey.…