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“Lest Ye Become a Monster”: North Korean…
Just another day on the 38th parallel. Soldiers, separated by North and South, populate the ubiquitously…
Syria and the Tehran Street: Rouhani and Iran’s…
The recent standoff between Western powers and the Gulf Cooperation Council against the Assad regime’s…
“A Friendly Neighbour to the North”: Canadian…
Canadians, for the most part, have a global reputation as a peace-loving and human-rights-respecting people;…
Tweeting Terror: The Digital Proliferation of Terrorist…
The digital proliferation and expansion of terrorist networks is not a new phenomenon, but the devastatingly real…
#ogiganteacourdou, #TürkiyemDireniyor: Comparing Social…
By now, the Arab Spring of 2011 has become a quintessential case study of popular uprisings in political science…
MIR Interview: Amin Meleika
(Amin Meleika is the deputy assistant foreign minister for North American affairs at the Egyptian Ministry of…
The “Other War”
In his weekly, televised address from the Oval Office on September 7th, President Obama was quick to reassure the…
Energy Dilemma: Russia’s Naval Build-Up and Putin’s…
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia’s military and economic capabilities were substantially…