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“Opportunity, Innovation, Choice”: How the US Government…
The advent of anti-monopoly legislation is a stark reminder of how the US government was caught sleeping at the…
Follow the Leader: Has Trump’s Populist Rhetoric…
Despite maintaining her father’s right-wing politics, Keiko Fujimori’s response to electoral loss draws more from…
MIR Meets: Ramesh Ponnuru
Host Andrew Xu sits down with Ramesh Ponnuru, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and senior!-->…
Des Accords De Société: Dans La Peau De Billie Eilish
Pour ce troisième épisode Des_Accords de Société, un podcast analysant des musiques dans leur contexte social et!-->…
The Mythical ‘White Gold of Jihad’
The perpetuation of a narrative that links ivory trafficking with international terrorist networks has provided an…
Nigeria’s “Crypto Rush”
As the country with the third largest Bitcoin trading volume globally, Nigerians' increasing use of…
IRSAM at the United Nations
Each year, the International Relations Students Association at McGill (IRSAM) Youth Advisory Delegation sends 16–24…
The High Stakes of Brazil’s 2022 Presidential Election
Brazil’s 2022 election will be decisive for the country. Incumbent president Jair Bolsonaro could do what his…
China-US Anchorage Summit: A Bitter Start for the New…
Though it is nominally different, the Biden administration has basically maintained most of Trump’s China policies.…
Class Divides: A Marxist Literary Analysis of Gossip…
Just as Marxist theory would suggest, the hit teen drama television series Gossip Girl shows that regardless of…
Computers and Crops: The Agricultural Aspirations of Big…
Humans have been farming for millennia. Indeed, the process of food growth allowed us to build civilizations,…
Turkey’s reckless development projects and nepotistic…
Due to Turkey's recently-turbulent economic history and the increased stress of the Syrian refugee crisis,…