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NDP Wins McGill Survey as Students Express Concern Over…
In a survey conducted by the McGill International Review, 37 percent of McGill students expressed that they were…
Marche pour le climat: les enjeux de la mobilisation à…
Sur le court terme, cette manifestation d’une ampleur sans précédent au Québec témoigne d’une prise de conscience…
The Aftermath: Crisis in Hong Kong
As the Hong Kong protests rage on into its 27th week, tensions with the Chinese state continue to rise. Host of The…
Op-Ed: With its Chinese Market at Stake, the NBA Chooses…
Read plainly, it may seem like this whole saga is an accidental cultural clash where Daryl Morey misunderstood a…
De McGill au ministère de la Justice: Entrevue avec…
« Alors qu’il jouissait d’une position confortable en tant que professeur titulaire, en plus d’être près de sa…
A Look at the Electoral College: Can America do Better?
It’s difficult to make a case for keeping the Electoral College in its current form. It’s an antiquated and…
The Fight for Abortion is Far From Over
The pro-choice movement is now on more precarious ground than ever before. By actively working to decrease freedom…
Carrot-and-Stick Climate Politics
Given the outcomes of the UN Climate Action Summit, the tactic of blocking some countries from the world stage was…
Un peuple condamné
Le 23 septembre 2019 fut annoncée la formation d'un comité constitutionnel pour la Syrie. Enfin une voie de…
Faut-il rapatrier les djihadistes français détenus au…
Outre les difficultés de sécurité et de logistique, le retour des djihadistes et de leurs familles en France pose…
The N.R.A.: Is The Reign Finally Over?
With only the first glimpses of a quantifiable decline in the N.R.A.'s influence during the 2018 mid-term…
Demonstration Against 70 Years of Oppression by the…
On September 29th, Action Free Hong Kong Montreal 滿地可撐香港行動頁 #Freehkmtl joined hands with Tibetan and Uyghur…