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Foreign Policy & IR
The Biggest Battle in American Gun Reform
With the core belief that accessibility to guns is synonymous with American freedom, any top-down approach to force…
North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities: An Enduring Foreign…
The United States has yet to adopt a foreign policy stance towards North Korea that has led to a lasting agreement…
Biden-Poutine : première épreuve de force
Une escalade des tensions aux frontières russo-ukrainiennes pourrait donner à Biden l’opportunité qu’il cherche…
Hostage Diplomacy: The Canada-China Prisoner’s…
Over two years later, the Huawei executive and the two Michaels remain stranded in ongoing legal proceedings in one…
Olympic Boycotts: Counterproductive or Moral Necessity?
Increased tensions with Western countries and recent revelations about the persecution of China’s Uyghur population…
The US and Saudi’s strategic alliance: Why the Biden…
The pressure to impose sanctions upon the crown prince is at odds with the two countries' vital bilateral…
Is It Time to End the United States’…
Nearing two decades of involvement in Afghanistan, the American government is increasingly deliberating over what…
Maintaining Democracy: At What Cost?
While incumbent President Yoweri Museveni's team was preparing for his record, yet controversial, 5th win,…
Joe Biden: The Promised Immigration Saviour?
While many Americans remain hopeful that the border shelter situation is not an early indicator that President…
Programme COVAX : une lueur d’espoir pour la coopération…
Plus d’un an après le début de la pandémie de la COVID-19, les stratégies nationales et internationales pour faire…
China and the CCP: The New “Villain” in the…
Despite facing criticism from the West since its creation in 1949, the People’s Republic of China is facing more…
Sanctions on Trial: Embargoing in the Wrong Direction
Because of the importance of a country's trade and economic sectors in domestic livelihoods, there is an argument…