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Foreign Policy & IR
L’Arctique à l’heure du réchauffement climatique : un…
« Malgré toutes les promesses portées par l’Arctique, l’enthousiasme a pour le moment laissé place à la résignation…
“Adding Fuel to the Fire”: How Domestic News…
When facing the health and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, states may hope to temporarily ease…
Canada in the Post-Pandemic World
Justin Trudeau’s recent Throne Speech has sparked debate about Canada’s post-pandemic future. Is the Federal…
L’Empire néo-ottoman, pôle d’Influence de l’Orient : la…
À la tête de la Turquie, Recep Tayyip Erdogan avance des pions de toutes parts dans le but de créer un nouveau pôle…
Cyber War: Canada’s New National Security Threat
In the modern global political arena, where classified and crucial information is stored on the web, cybersecurity…
Outsourcing War: Mercenaries as a Foreign Policy Tool
While the use of mercenaries is a conventional practice, its proliferation is nevertheless a cause for concern. By…
Ballet géopolitique en Biélorussie
La Biélorussie, au carrefour des pôles d’influences russe et européen, danse depuis plusieurs années avec les deux…
Escalade des violences dans le Haut-Karabagh : un…
« Dans le conflit qui oppose l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan, les différentes revendications territoriales, aspirations…
Family Ties: Sri Lankan Democracy in Peril
With their dominating coalition in parliament and control of the presidency, there is almost no governmental…
How Education and Statues are Changing the Comfort Women…
Just as issues relating to comfort women have permeated inter-state views — extending to sanctions and broken…
The Fire Behind the Smoke: How Lebanon’s Corrupt…
Current leadership makes it all the easier for interested parties to gain power in Lebanon as the government is not…
The Pacific Islands’ Strategy of Nonalignment
The threat of COVID-19 to the Pacific Islands has dominated public health discourse. Less has been said about the…