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Foreign Policy & IR
Ballet géopolitique en Biélorussie
La Biélorussie, au carrefour des pôles d’influences russe et européen, danse depuis plusieurs années avec les deux…
Escalade des violences dans le Haut-Karabagh : un…
« Dans le conflit qui oppose l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan, les différentes revendications territoriales, aspirations…
Family Ties: Sri Lankan Democracy in Peril
With their dominating coalition in parliament and control of the presidency, there is almost no governmental…
How Education and Statues are Changing the Comfort Women…
Just as issues relating to comfort women have permeated inter-state views — extending to sanctions and broken…
The Fire Behind the Smoke: How Lebanon’s Corrupt…
Current leadership makes it all the easier for interested parties to gain power in Lebanon as the government is not…
The Pacific Islands’ Strategy of Nonalignment
The threat of COVID-19 to the Pacific Islands has dominated public health discourse. Less has been said about the…
Russian Expansionism Continues in Recent…
"Russian neo-imperialism operates in a way that can be subtle and seemingly benign at first. This is why one must…
What Can COVID-19 Teach Us About Addressing the Climate…
The world’s rapid reaction to COVID-19 has shown society’s capacity to transition to more sustainable options and…
CANZUK: Modern Alliance or Old Empire?
The past few years have marked the beginning of a dramatic rebalancing of global power, leaving a power vacuum for…
Managing Sino-Canadian Relations in the Arctic
In treading a line between respecting the sovereignty of Arctic states and attempting to articulate the limits of…
“Space Force”: What is it Good For?
In 2018, President Donald Trump announced the creation of Space Force, a new branch of the United States Armed…
The Magnitsky Act: The Anti-Corruption Tool the U.S.…
A decade after Magnitsky’s passing and with no indication that corrupt behaviour is subsiding, this pattern is…