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Foreign Policy & IR
CSocD 58: Expectations and Realities of Diplomacy in…
From February 10th-19th 2020, the International Relations Students' Association of McGill (IRSAM) attended the…
The WTO’s Fall from Grace: Wavering Leadership
Outgoing Director General of the WTO Roberto Azevêdo worked near miracles in 2013 and 2015. However, with US-global…
Debt, Masks, and Tech: Why COVID-19 Won’t Mean the End…
China is proving that it will not allow COVID-19 to bring its economy to a standstill. With President Xi’s playbook…
Élections israéliennes : le réveil des minorités?
Pour la première fois, des minorités traditionnellement exclues des élections en Israël telles que les Arabes et…
Will “Mask Diplomacy” Be Enough for China?
While many countries have pointed fingers at China in the genesis of the outbreak, can Beijing turn this domestic…
Vers un bras de fer transatlantique ?
La 56e conférence sur la sécurité à Munich a été le théâtre de nouvelles confrontations de visions au sein du «…
Pandemics Abroad: Immigration Policy and the Coronavirus…
Currently, governments in East Asia and elsewhere are still trying to determine the best course of action for…
Mediterranean Blues: Agreements and Escalating Tensions
On January 7th, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis joined Donald Trump for a meeting in the White House. The…
We Need To Talk About Laos’ Bomb Problem
Between 1964 and 1973, the United States dropped two million tons of ordnance on Laos, making the small Southeast…
Présence Française au Sahel: une épée à double-tranchant…
Alors que l’Union Européenne, les Nations Unies, et d’autres pays maintiennent des opérations sur place pour la…
One day in Luanda
Eleven years after her first visit, MIR Editor Anja Helliot returned to Luanda, Angola's capital, to reconnect with…
Refugee Camps: A Ceaseless Policy Struggle for Greece…
The EU's lack of assistance and neglect of the issue has left Greece with few alternatives, none of which are…