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Foreign Policy & IR
Africa: The New Frontier of Russian Influence
Russia is trying to restore its superpower status in a world increasingly defined by competition between China and…
Heating up in the High Arctic
NATO has been slow to respond to the growing interest in the arctic compared to its rivals. While China and Russia…
Fading Stars: Balkan Accession to the European Union
The integration of Balkan states would not be effortless, economically speaking—most would need financial support…
The Unsurprising Nature of U.S. Withdrawal from Syria
The recent decision by the United States to pull out of Syria and allow for a Turkish intervention is, without a…
Les kurdes en Syrie : alliés de circonstance pour les…
Les victimes du retrait américain de la Syrie sont avant tout les combattants kurdes, qui représentent pourtant les…
How China’s economic expansionism is contributing to…
While transgressing boundaries of sovereignty in a quest for economic supremacy in the East, President Xi Jinping…
Why Isn’t the International Community Doing More About…
The Chinese government continues to perpetuate egregious human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous…
Opinion | Canada is Quickly and Quietly Falling Behind…
There is no justifiable way to spin how little Canada currently spends on foreign aid. One could say the numbers…
Offensive turque contre les FDS en Syrie: entre…
La situation transitoire des États-Unis en Syrie a pris fin le 9 octobre, lors du retrait des soldats américains de…
Crise migratoire : Venezuela vs Colombie
La crise migratoire entre le Venezuela et la Colombie ne date pas d’hier. En effet, cette crise migratoire qui peut…
Sharing, Caring, and Praying For Sudan in the Twitter…
Although Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter provided a global audience for the people of Sudan, this did not…
L’Argentine en mauvaise posture face à une crise…
Inflation débordante, dévaluation vertigineuse du peso, pauvreté englobante, et chômage en hausse, la situation…