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Foreign Policy & IR
The Cold War 2.0: Reigniting the Arms Race
From the end of the Second World War to the end of the Soviet Union, the world was thrown into a seemingly…
Politics and Law: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
More than a century ago French sociologist and political theorist Alexis de Tocqueville predicted that courts would…
Irish Reunification and the Irony Behind it
The inflammatory Irish backstop needs to be understood within the wider context of Anglo-Irish relations going back…
Brexit Negotiations & Re-Negotiations
Understanding the UK's political quagmire with a ticking time bomb in the form of Brexit. Why hasn't a deal been…
The Slow Death of China’s Dialects
While older generations continue to use dialects in their everyday life, many young people have never received any…
Il ne reste plus qu’un socle vide. En décembre dernier, étudiants et professeurs de l’université du Ghana ont…
Huawei: Bien Plus Qu’Une Simple Controverse
Récemment, la multinationale chinoise Huawei a été impliquée dans une série d’affaires internationales ponctuée de…
Brexit : La Menace d’Un Divorce Sans Accord
Si personne ne peut encore l’affirmer avec certitude, un accord sur les conditions de divorce du Royaume-Uni avec…
L’Hydre Politique Du Venezuela: Combien De Têtes Pour…
Les débuts 2019 sont rudes pour le Venezuela, qui se retrouve en plein chaos politique, résultat d’une interminable…
The End of an Era: Peace with the Taliban?
The tentative agreement between the Taliban and the United States shows that the neoconservative currents which…
Known Unknowns: Israeli Power and Russian Permission in…
In the most recent flare-up between Israel and Iran in Syria, Russia said everything about its dubious relationship…
What China Fears Most: An Island On Their Coast
The democratic composition of Taiwan is a cause of alarm for the CPC since the CPC seeks to repel any democratic…