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Foreign Policy & IR
Expat or Immigrant? The West’s Double Standards
With the rise of right-wing populism in the West, the word "immigration" is often used with a heavily negative…
Is There an End in Sight for the Afghan Conflict?
An analysis of the origins of the Afghan insurgency, the current situation, the external influences in the war and…
A Look Back at the Lasting Impact of George H. W. Bush’s…
President George H. W. Bush passed away in November at the age of 94. While his time as president was a short…
Prosecution at last for Peru’s former President…
Despite the protracted waiting time for his trial, it is highly likely that Alan García will have to respond to his…
The Implications of Labelling the Rohingya Crisis as…
Ethnic cleansing and genocide are often, incorrectly, used interchangeably in political dialogue. Although many may…
What’s next for the “Switzerland of the Middle…
Located on the south-eastern tip of the Arabian Gulf, Oman is surrounded by nations prone to meddling in each!-->…
Chine: face à une urbanisation démesurée
Résultant de la politique d’ouverture économique de Deng Xiaoping, l’explosion de la démographie urbaine chinoise!-->…
Jair Bolsonaro: misogyne, raciste, homophobe,…
Obtenant 55.2% des voix au deuxième tour des élections présidentielles, le parti de droite connaît une victoire!-->…
Cuba 2019: La page du castrisme enfin tournée?
Le 24 février prochain, Cuba connaîtra un renouveau historique avec l’établissement d’une nouvelle constitution.!-->…
The Art of Pakistan’s Superpower Financial Finesse
Pakistan has always been an enigma in international politics. The country has historically leveraged its…
Twiplomacy: Psychological Warfare in a Modern…
FDR had radio, JFK had television, but Trump? Trump has Twitter.
What is the U.S. Doing in Africa?
The U.S. maintains a vast network of military and CIA outposts throughout Africa. This continental occupation is…