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Foreign Policy & IR
Russia’s Successes and Failures in the Middle East
A key tenant in Russia's new Foreign Policy Concept, passed in December 2016, was to increase their power and…
Day 2 at the Commission on the Status of Women
One of the most rewarding components of the annual IRSAM trip to the Commission on the Status of Women is the…
Afrin Under Siege: Turkey Enters the Syrian War
The Syrian Civil War has seen multiple evolutions since its origins in March 2011 with anti-government protests…
Day 1 at the Commission on the Status of Women
Upon waking up at the crack of dawn to prepare for the first day of the Commission on the Status of Women at United…
The 62nd Commission on the Status of Women: An…
This is the first article in a week-long series on the International Relations Students’ Association of McGill…
Post-Zuma Challenges: What’s Next?
"The biggest mistake we ever made in the ANC was to make Zuma president."
Overtaken by corruption affairs and…
The Space of the Islamic State
ISIL is one of the first terrorist groups to proclaim itself a state and has in many ways been defined by its…
What’s Next for SpaceX?
Business mogul Elon Musk made headlines once more in February 2018 as SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy set out for space. The…
How Poetry and Culture Could Make France China’s Biggest…
Political clashes between the East and the West have become regulars in newspaper headlines the world over,…
A Stagnant War: What’s Next for Ukraine?
The war in Eastern Ukraine has severely debilitated the country on virtually all fronts. Since the beginning of the…
Can the EU Rise to the Challenge of Illiberalism?
Europe—and the world at large—has seen a rise of what some call ‘illiberal democracies’ in past decades. They are a…
The Bangsamoro Basic Law: Impacts of Additional Autonomy…
The Filipino government's newly proposed act for an autonomous zone in the South of the country has shed some hope…