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Foreign Policy & IR
Allemagne-Russie: la passivité de l’Ouest face aux…
Angela Merkel ne regrette pas d’avoir poursuivi une politique d'apaisement envers la Russie, mais sa décision…
How Twitter Turned From a Networking Site to a Soft…
Twitter's widespread in cultural influence and high-profile users have made the platform a digital arena for the…
La Chine coincée entre ses partenaires commerciaux…
L’alliance déclarée « sans limites » entre Xi Jinping et Vladimir Poutine semble pourtant embarrassante pour…
La diplomatie parallèle des milliardaires
L'empiètement des milliardaires de la tech sur la souveraineté de l'État, comme Bill Gates dans le domaine de la…
Winds of Change: Is Iran’s Islamic Republic on the Brink…
The Iranian regime has faced various protests over the years, all of which have eventually fizzled out. Could this…
Platforms of Propaganda: How Social Media Sites…
Propaganda has been used for thousands of years to manipulate public opinion, yet disinformation on social media is…
Türkiye’s Unique Role in the Russo-Ukrainian War:…
After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has capitalized on his country's…
“Women, Life, Freedom”: The Significance of Iran’s…
The backlash from women burning their hijabs and cutting their hair threatens the foundation of the Islamic regime.
Israelis are Back to the Polls Again, for the Fifth Time…
The large but fragile coalition led by Naftali Bennett collapsed in June after only a year in government. Though…
Brazil Presidential Election: Is Democracy at Stake?
As the Brazil Presidential election approaches, the world watches as the future of Brazil's democracy could be…
Rajapaksas and Sri Lanka: The Fate of Dynasty Politics
Sri Lanka is facing a myriad of problems that upset the balance that they have maintained for decades.
Turkey within NATO: a Disruptive Ally or a Key Rising…
On June 28, Turkey agreed to lift its objections to Helsinki and Stockholm’s NATO memberships after they pledged to…