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How Oral Contraceptive Prescription Oversimplifies…
The over prescription of oral contraception as a blanket solution for other medical problems is harmful due to the…
Destruction of Hurricane Milton Highlights Urgency for…
As climate change intensifies, its impacts and economic costs will only continue to rise as more natural disasters…
Where Have All the Great, Good Places Gone?: The Decline…
Why, despite living in some of the most densely populated urban areas that have ever existed, do people report…
Forgotten Surrogate Mothers: The Unresolved Issues in…
The surrogacy industry exploits financially vulnerable surrogate mothers, raising ethical concerns due to a lack of…
Breaking Down Barriers: The Quest for Equitable Abortion…
Canada operates under a federal system, where provincial systems and laws can greatly differ, especially in the…
The RFK Jr. School of Science
The anti-vaccine rhetoric platformed by Kennedy have had a severe impact both in the US and around the world.
When Planting Gets Political: Urban gardening for social…
The reconnection with nature that gardening offers is not simply a nostalgic yearning, reserved for outdoors…
Décriminalisation des drogues dures : la…
La Colombie-Britannique a adopté une approche novatrice de santé publique en matière de drogues dures, en…
The “Ozempic Craze”: Intersections Between Healthcare…
Indeed, the rise of Ozempic has brought forward several discourses surrounding body standards, pharmaceutical…
Review Radio: The Power of Social Interaction
Host Andrew Xu sits down with Sheila Liming, an associate professor of communications and creative media at…
Malgré ses promesses de soins gratuits, le NHS est…
Le National Health Service (NHS) du Royaume-Uni, qui a connu sa plus grande grève de l'histoire les 6 et 7 février…
Beyond COVID-19: How Pandemics Continue to Exist and…
As we learned from COVID-19, or as we should have learned, it is imperative that we continue to work…