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Increasing Our Capacity for Care: How the COVID-19…
Despite the available medical knowledge, provincial governments were slow to effectively implement preventative…
Du Féodalisme au Libéralisme : la transition d’une…
En 1353, la Peste Noire marquait la fin du régime féodal. À l’instar du XIVème siècle, la pandémie du COVID-19 au…
Safe Injection and Legal Strife: Another Philadelphia…
Americans everywhere are divided about the establishment of safe injection sites in their neighbourhoods. However,…
Enbridge’s Line 3 Pipeline: Mixing Oil and Sexual…
Recent arrests of the Line 3 workers are only the tip of the iceberg for the Indigenous women and girls caught up…
Women Are Not Getting the Healthcare They Deserve
To recognize and deprogram the prevailing sexism in medicine, there needs to be an understanding of the root causes…
Drug Decriminalization in America: A Solution to Mass…
The United States continues to face a variety of critical issues – such as racism and opioid abuse – that plague a…
Re-evaluating Vaccine Diplomacy
Despite concerns about the political ramifications of foreign vaccines exports, Western countries have lagged in…
China’s Three-Child Policy Is a Threat to Working Women
Based on the increase in gender inequality following the two-child quota, gender-based workplace discrimination…
Vaccine Incentives in the United States: An Ethical…
When looking more closely at vaccine incentive programs, it becomes apparent that they pose significant ethical…
“Magic Mushrooms”: New Hopes in Mental…
In August 2020, Federal Minister of Health Patty Hadju approved the usage of psilocybin, also known as magic…
De La Liberté
« La liberté nous la chérissons; l’égalité, nous la garantissons; la fraternité, nous la vivons avec intensité.…
Plague & Prayer: In the Midst of Pandemic Life,…
In the Western world, where religion no longer plays a central role in public life, not much attention is paid to…