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Opinion | The US Pandemic Response Failed Workers; All…
This summer, I chose to return to my high school job as a Starbucks barista. The choice to take a summer job was…
Afghanistan’s Gendered Healthcare System…
The healthcare system in Afghanistan is under attack, both by the Taliban and by a virus that knows no bounds.…
COVID-19: A Potential Catalyst for Universal Healthcare…
The specific nature of American conservatism has long precluded the adoption of socialized medicine in the country,…
COVID-19 Long-term Care: Calls for Reform
"For families and advocates, the report came as no surprise, with many viewing the devastation caused by COVID-19…
COVID-19 is Worsening Food Insecurity in Nunavut
Communities in Nunavut have suffered food insecurity disproportionately to the rest of Canada for decades as a…
Democracy Post-Pandemic: Big Tech’s Growing Hold…
For many North American politicians, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic calls to envision a frictionless, digitalized…
Gay and Afraid: What South Korea Taught Us About the…
Having established the consequences of compulsory contact tracing on the LGBTQ+ community in South Korea, is this a…
Long-Term Care: A Lost Sibling of the Canadian…
Many Canadian know that long-term care facilities are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 for reasons besides their…
Why Canada Needs an Indigenous-Specific COVID-19 Policy
Canada needs a COVID-19 strategy tailored to the needs and unique vulnerabilities of First Nations communities,…
COVID-19 is a Symptom of a Greater Global Pathology
COVID-19 has been portrayed as a unifying phenomenon. However, the pandemic is not only unveiling, but exacerbating…
Opinion | We’re Not All In This Together
COVID-19 has wreaked immeasurable havoc, much of which could have been prevented if it were not for the persistent…
How Coronavirus is Exposing the Cruise Industry
The rapid spread of COVID-19 on cruise ships has shed light on long-standing issues with labour regulation as well…