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Mask Hysteria: Pandemic (Ep.3)
In this episode, Mask Hysteria host Bilal Virji sat down with Dr Sandra Rafman, a child and developmental…
Mask Hysteria: Containment (Ep.2)
With panic and hysteria creeping in, the economic and geopolitical consequences of the coronavirus outbreak have…
Mask Hysteria: Outbreak (Ep.1)
On December 31st 2019, China alerted the World Health Organization to a small outbreak of pneumonia, and by the…
Anti-Vaccination: The New Epidemic
A fundamental distrust of the current healthcare system in America is embodied by the anti-vax movement, a kind of…
Understanding America’s Racial Healthcare Crisis
On October 24th, a study examining racial bias in a popular public health algorithm was published in Science. The…
The Risk of a Flooded Isthmus
Lying in the flood plain are the Trans-Canada Highway, all electricity lines that link Nova Scotia to the country,…
The Opioid Crisis: A Canadian Perspective
The past of stigmatizing and marginalizing people struggling with addiction has provided nothing but a perpetuation…
Earth Week is for Activists
Moreover, the future costs associated with climate change will unquestionably fall upon today’s young generations.…
Medicare For All: A Double-Edged Sword
There are a variety of ways to achieve a universal healthcare system in America, and Medicare-for-All is not…
L’Assèchement de la Mer d’Aral: Les…
L’assèchement de la mer d’Aral est une catastrophe naturelle passée sous le radar du public mondial, dont on entend…
Congo’s Ebola Problem: More Than Just the Disease
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is experiencing the worst outbreak of the Ebola virus disease in the country's…
The Crisis of Antibiotic Misuse in India
In many countries, in different stages of development, easy, unregulated access to antibiotics is leading to…