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Clarifications Surrounding McGill’s Response to COVID 19
This is a podcast aimed at the McGill community to clarify how the university is responding to COVID 19. MIR…
Pandemics Abroad: Immigration Policy and the Coronavirus…
Currently, governments in East Asia and elsewhere are still trying to determine the best course of action for…
Mask Hysteria: Pandemic (Ep.3)
In this episode, Mask Hysteria host Bilal Virji sat down with Dr Sandra Rafman, a child and developmental…
Mask Hysteria: Containment (Ep.2)
With panic and hysteria creeping in, the economic and geopolitical consequences of the coronavirus outbreak have…
Mask Hysteria: Outbreak (Ep.1)
On December 31st 2019, China alerted the World Health Organization to a small outbreak of pneumonia, and by the…
Anti-Vaccination: The New Epidemic
A fundamental distrust of the current healthcare system in America is embodied by the anti-vax movement, a kind of…
Understanding America’s Racial Healthcare Crisis
On October 24th, a study examining racial bias in a popular public health algorithm was published in Science. The…
The Risk of a Flooded Isthmus
Lying in the flood plain are the Trans-Canada Highway, all electricity lines that link Nova Scotia to the country,…
The Opioid Crisis: A Canadian Perspective
The past of stigmatizing and marginalizing people struggling with addiction has provided nothing but a perpetuation…
Earth Week is for Activists
Moreover, the future costs associated with climate change will unquestionably fall upon today’s young generations.…
Medicare For All: A Double-Edged Sword
There are a variety of ways to achieve a universal healthcare system in America, and Medicare-for-All is not…
L’Assèchement de la Mer d’Aral: Les…
L’assèchement de la mer d’Aral est une catastrophe naturelle passée sous le radar du public mondial, dont on entend…