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Review’s Radio: Dr. Angel Hsu (Yale University) on…
In China today, as much as 16% of soil is contaminated by toxic pollutants. Anica Lanzi speaks with Dr. Angel Hsu,…
In our continuing coverage of Sunday's Grande Manifestation contre la haine et le racisme, Montreal native Javeria…
Manon Massé
At Montréal's Grande Manifestation contre la haine et le racisme this past Sunday, MIR had a chance to speak with…
Review’s Radio: Dr. Sabina Alkire on…
MIR's Anica Lanzi sits down with Dr. Sabina Alkire, Director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative…
MIR Meets Ep. 1: Juju Deshormes
We're pleased to present the first episode of MIR Meets, featuring Juju Deshormes outside the Mile End's…
Québec’s Emerging Far-Right
La Meute, Les Soldats d'Odin, Atalante: These small but highly centralized far-right groups are slowly…
What is MIR?
Liked our promo video? Want to find out more about MIR? Discover how the online publication has grown since its…
Welcome to MIR: We Think on a Global Scale
Directed by Carlo Mole
Edited by Carlo Mole & Xiuyuan Zhu
Videography by Xiuyuan Zhu &…
Alternative Economics with Eric Hirsch (Ph.D, University…
“Alternative economics, for me, largely means figuring out what economic life is for people that don’t necessarily…
Professor Megan Bradley on Forced Migration & The…
MIR is pleased to present the latest video in our semester-long video series, Multiculturalism in the Age…
Port of Solidarity: A Day With Solidarians in Athens
MIR is pleased to present Port of Solidarity, an exclusive documentary by our own Rosa Rupert on the…
Not African Enough? : In Conversation with African…
MIR is pleased to present the next video in our ongoing series, Multiculturalism in the Age of Trump: