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Winds of Change: Angola’s Political Zeitgeist
Perhaps no country better exemplifies the resource curse than Angola: although the country has vast natural wealth…
Kagame and The Congo
Rich in resources yet rife with conflict, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is geographically the second…
Kenya’s Historic Elections, Unknown Future
During the summer of 2017, election season put all eyes on Kenya. Although a decade ago, the unprecedented violence…
Kenya’s Supreme Court Defiantly Rejects…
After a contentious election, Kenya’s supreme court made history on September 1st by rejecting the recent…
Power Traps and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nearly every nation in Sub-Saharan Africa has faced power traps and institutional instability since their…
Africa’s Fintech Revolution
Technological hubs and startup revolutions are rarely discussed in the context of development. In Africa, however,…
Bridge Academies to Expand in Liberia –With No Data to…
Like Nigeria and Kenya, Liberia has followed suit in the trend of outsourcing schools to multinational…
The Politics of Heritage
With its announcement of a new tram line, connecting West Jerusalem to East, many have accused the Israeli…
What does Kenya’s New Railway Mean for OBOR?
China’s increasingly large footprint in Africa has generated both optimism and fear. The debate over whether China…
Mauritius Sovereignty and the Endless Struggle Over the…
With a landslide victory of 94-15 (94 yes, 15 no) and 65 abstentions, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)…
The Colonial Roots of Zuma’s Presidency
The reputation of South Africa’s president, Jacob Zuma, has gone steadily downhill since the country began…
Hidden Truths behind the DR Congo’s Kasai Conflict
After a two-week disappearance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), the remains of United Nations…