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The Holy Ghosts: Civil War in the Central African…
With a political structure that has crumbled into absolute rubble, massive unrestrained violence, and an attempted…
Tunisian Exceptionalism? Revisiting Recent Democratic…
The protest movements of the Arab Spring prompted a major reevaluation amongst policymakers and academics alike…
Persistent Gender Pay Gap: Is America As Developed As It…
While the extent of disparity between the wages of men and women varies by country and by profession, working women…
The Rise of Coups D’État: Kenya vs. Burkina Faso
Between 1952 and the 1990s, there were over 71 attempted and successful military coups d’état in Africa . Depending…
Vote For a Better Tomorrow, Unless Tomorrow’s Government…
To vote is a civic duty, a privilege, a voice in government. However, when does a single vote translate into…
The Tragedy of Colonial Borders
Four years into the crisis, the international community continues to struggle in forming a coherent response to…
Insight into a Humanitarian Crisis: The Ebola Outbreak
West Africa entered the world stage in March of 2014 with the deadly outbreak of Ebola virus disease, or…
An Interview with Adam Hummel: Founder of the Kenya…
“Those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.” These words reoccurred…
“Black Monday”: What China’s Economic…
On August 24th, or what is now being referred to as China’s “Black Monday”, the Shanghai Composite Exchange…
Hungry for Power: Boko Haram’s Strategic Alliance…
The last update on the international terrorist radar? A supposed allegiance between two of the most powerful…
Algerian Family Code: Progress for Women or Disguised…
On Thursday, March 5th 2015, the National People’s Assembly (APN) of Algeria passed legislation towards…
Bolstering Human Rights: A Brick in the Road
Last month, Amnesty International released their annual 2014/15 report on the state of the world’s human rights.…