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The SDGs Offer More Than Just a Great Personality
September 25, 2015 marked the launch of the seventeen internationally adopted UN Sustainable Development Goals.…
The Child Labour Behind Smart Phones and Electric Car…
This post is about an old and archaic use of labour - the kind that many countries outlawed say about 200 years…
The Outcomes of HIV/AIDS: Increase in Poverty
Since the outbreak of Ebola, it seems as though we have not heard much about HIV/AIDS around the world. As one of…
The Holy Ghosts: Civil War in the Central African…
With a political structure that has crumbled into absolute rubble, massive unrestrained violence, and an attempted…
Tunisian Exceptionalism? Revisiting Recent Democratic…
The protest movements of the Arab Spring prompted a major reevaluation amongst policymakers and academics alike…
Persistent Gender Pay Gap: Is America As Developed As It…
While the extent of disparity between the wages of men and women varies by country and by profession, working women…
The Rise of Coups D’État: Kenya vs. Burkina Faso
Between 1952 and the 1990s, there were over 71 attempted and successful military coups d’état in Africa . Depending…
Vote For a Better Tomorrow, Unless Tomorrow’s Government…
To vote is a civic duty, a privilege, a voice in government. However, when does a single vote translate into…
The Tragedy of Colonial Borders
Four years into the crisis, the international community continues to struggle in forming a coherent response to…
Insight into a Humanitarian Crisis: The Ebola Outbreak
West Africa entered the world stage in March of 2014 with the deadly outbreak of Ebola virus disease, or…
An Interview with Adam Hummel: Founder of the Kenya…
“Those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.” These words reoccurred…
“Black Monday”: What China’s Economic…
On August 24th, or what is now being referred to as China’s “Black Monday”, the Shanghai Composite Exchange…