Browsing Category
Democracy in 2020: A Tale of Four Elections
Evidently, the notion of liberal democracy faced a multitude of challenges throughout 2020, as demonstrated by the…
Vaccins COVID-19 : une innovation scientifique…
Plusieurs mois après le début de la pandémie, la promesse d’un vaccin vient davantage élargir le fossé entre les…
Un nouvel accord de cessez-le-feu en Libye : a-t-on…
Dans un territoire où la tendance historique est à la violation des cessez-le-feu, le nouvel accord, bien que…
When a Silver Bullet Backfires: Analyzing the…
In theory, the microcredit model seemed ideal for reducing poverty. The UN even declared 2005 the "International…
School Closure: Beyond Education
School closures in Kenya prompted by the COVID-19 crisis pose negative impacts on girls' sexual and reproductive…
COVID-19 is Directly Increasing the Risk of Female…
In uncertainty and crisis, women and girls often get hurt. COVID-19 is no exception.
Effective Peace Solution on Hold as Foreign Actors…
In the next few months, there may be a new prime minister in Tripoli or a new leader of the LNA, but regardless of…
Disaster in Paradise: The Mauritius Oil Spill
In the early hours of July 16, a Japanese shipping vessel entered the Indian Ocean after a stop in Singapore. At…
Saint Helena: Containing COVID-19 at the price of…
Despite significant challenges, Saint Helena has been one of the few places able to successfully prevent COVID-19…
Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean: Interview Part 2
In the last two decades, there have been discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. We asked…
Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean: Interview Part 1
In the last two decades, there have been discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. We asked…
East Africa’s Locust Outbreak and the Shortcomings of…
Until the international community is able to mobilize resources to swiftly address issues facing developing…