Browsing Category
Days in the Arctic: A Changed Way of Life
The quiet isolation of the Arctic is disappearing, leaving in its place social progressions and new economic…
Cher Hubert Aquin, les Patriotes n’ont pas fait…
En 1965, en plein cœur de la Révolution tranquille et d’une nouvelle vague d’émancipation nationaliste, le célèbre…
French Immersion: A Lone Reed in the Waters of…
Although French language and history are essential aspects of Canadian history, its prominence in our culture wanes…
COVID-19 is Worsening Food Insecurity in Nunavut
Communities in Nunavut have suffered food insecurity disproportionately to the rest of Canada for decades as a…
Canadian-American Relations On Ice: Bilateralism Through…
The impact of COVID-19 on Canadian-American relations is incredibly complex. However, we can look to the National…
The CAQ and COVID-19: Opportunistic Attitudes Towards…
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on and Quebec continues to rely on immigrants to do critical work in hospitals…
Location, Location, Location: How CBC Isn’t Helping With…
While some provinces and regions have been recovering faster than others, a deficiency of relevant and…
Long-Term Care: A Lost Sibling of the Canadian…
Many Canadian know that long-term care facilities are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 for reasons besides their…
Why Canada Needs an Indigenous-Specific COVID-19 Policy
Canada needs a COVID-19 strategy tailored to the needs and unique vulnerabilities of First Nations communities,…
Part 1: The Digital Wild West
Although the lack of stringent regulation has allowed innovation to run rampant, unregulated use of advanced…
The Price War and the Pandemic: Why the Oil Market is in…
It is obvious that the war triggered will be harmful in the long run; it might, in fact, permanently disrupt…
Dig Deeper: Basic Income
In this episode of Dig Deeper, host Ashwin Nair looks at the Basic Income debate in two countries: India and…