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De McGill au ministère de la Justice: Entrevue avec…
« Alors qu’il jouissait d’une position confortable en tant que professeur titulaire, en plus d’être près de sa…
Conservative Candidate Michael Forian holds rally in…
On September 18th, Conservative Candidate Michael Forian held a rally in Montreal to campaign for the riding of…
Montreal’s Climate March in Photos
On Friday, September 27, nearly half a million people in Montreal took part in one of the largest climate strikes…
The Opioid Crisis: A Canadian Perspective
The past of stigmatizing and marginalizing people struggling with addiction has provided nothing but a perpetuation…
Protesting on Parc: Montreal’s Friday for Future
It's one thing to watch a crowd move down a street, but it's another thing to be in it. It's like being pulled by a…
“Bullied Out of Pride”: Hong Kong Group…
Individuals like Henry Lam demonstrate the complexity in trying to compartmentalize contentious issues. Lam is both…
McGill Student? Take part in our survey on the 2019…
The McGill International Review (MIR) is conducting an online university-wide survey to examine the perspectives of…
Jagmeet Singh attends event at McGill University
On September 16th, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and the Québec Team attended an event held by NDP McGill at McGill…
Trudeau delivers campaign speech in Montreal
Canada's Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau held a rally in Montreal on September 13th, 2019.…
Loi 21: quand l’opportunisme politique va trop…
La loi 21 sur la laïcité de l’État vise à mettre fin à un débat de société qui perdure au Québec depuis plus d'une…
Can We Be Against the Pipeline and For the Liberals?
On June 17th, the House of Commons voted to affirm that we are in a national climate emergency. It passed 186 to…
Québec: pénurie de main d’oeuvre, la solution outre…
Le Québec trône au sommet des provinces en déficit de travailleurs avec actuellement 120 000 postes vacants. Pour…