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Dear Canada, Can You Put a Price on a Child’s…
The Canadian federal government recently reached a record-breaking settlement of approximately $40 billion in…
Sustainable Agriculture: A Question of Land Use
As the world population continues to grow and resource scarcity becomes increasingly pronounced, there has never…
Opinion | A Convoy For Truckers? The Forgotten South…
Since its inception, the Freedom Convoy has become a symbol for the ideology of the far right, capturing the…
On the Causes of Inflation in Canada
There has been a lot of debate about the particularly high rate of inflation in 2021. Let's talk about what…
Opinion | Canada, the World Cup, and an Ethical Dilemma
The Canadian men's soccer team is finally good. Here's why that puts fans in a tough position.
How COVID-19 Inflamed Canadian Regional Divides
Canadian federalism fails to incentivize political parties to act as a so-called “nationalizing agency” when it…
Les think tanks néolibéraux : pourquoi penser ?
Une des forces du néolibéralisme est sa subtilité. Son idéologie se faufile partout, et se propage, entre autres,…
Rethinking Long Distance Railway Transport in Canada
For too long, Canadian governments have promised to improve railway infrastructure and only now is the conversation…
Four Scenarios for Canada’s Conservatives
The September 2021 elections marked the third consecutive electoral defeat for the Conservative Party of Canada. A…
Opinion: How Does the Film Industry Actually Change?
In order for things to change, we must simultaneously promote the stories and voices of women and minorities and…
Enbridge’s Line 3 Pipeline: Mixing Oil and Sexual…
Recent arrests of the Line 3 workers are only the tip of the iceberg for the Indigenous women and girls caught up…
The Dumbest Ideas of the 2021 Election
Like 2019, the party platforms for the recent Canadian federal election contained a mixture of important policy…