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The Americas
A Guide to Hispanic Naming Conventions
Have you ever wondered why your Latin American friend has a long name, and were you confused when he tried to…
Opinion | Canada, the World Cup, and an Ethical Dilemma
The Canadian men's soccer team is finally good. Here's why that puts fans in a tough position.
Dune: In the Crosshairs of Representation and…
A critical and commercial success in the age of a feeble film industry bloated with recycled narratives and…
Increasing Our Capacity for Care: How the COVID-19…
Despite the available medical knowledge, provincial governments were slow to effectively implement preventative…
The End of an Era: Why Hollywood as We Know It Is Over
Whatever the case may be, the resounding consensus is that Hollywood as we know it is no longer functioning in the…
MIR Meets: Richard Hanania
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with Richard Hanania, founder of the Center for the Study of Partisanship and…
MIR Meets: Freddie deBoer
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with Substack writer and Marxist Freddie deBoer, to discuss the merits of…
How COVID-19 Inflamed Canadian Regional Divides
Canadian federalism fails to incentivize political parties to act as a so-called “nationalizing agency” when it…
Les think tanks néolibéraux : pourquoi penser ?
Une des forces du néolibéralisme est sa subtilité. Son idéologie se faufile partout, et se propage, entre autres,…
Overcrowding at Rikers: A Tale of Two Americas
People can find themselves trapped by the American carceral system without even knowing the full consequences of a…
Rethinking Long Distance Railway Transport in Canada
For too long, Canadian governments have promised to improve railway infrastructure and only now is the conversation…
Nicaraguan Elections: A Historical Retrospective
It is important to reiterate the United States’ previous attempts at destabilizing the Sandinista government, which…