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The Americas
The US and Saudi’s strategic alliance: Why the Biden…
The pressure to impose sanctions upon the crown prince is at odds with the two countries' vital bilateral…
Is It Time to End the United States’…
Nearing two decades of involvement in Afghanistan, the American government is increasingly deliberating over what…
Ontario’s Highway 413: Another Dose of North America’s…
Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government is inexplicably pursuing destructive urban design principles that…
A Great Escape from the City
COVID-19 has catalyzed migration out of cities, though the trend seems to have been building for decades. For…
What Would Proportional Representation look like in the…
Political polarization is at its worst in the United States since the Civil War. This polarization, among many…
Les femmes dans les maras : victimes consentantes d’un…
Les maras sont des espaces sociaux marginalisés et meurtriers qui exacerbent et perpétuent les violences machistes…
Joe Biden: The Promised Immigration Saviour?
While many Americans remain hopeful that the border shelter situation is not an early indicator that President…
“Anti-Social” Capital: COVID-19 and the Future of…
When COVID-19 crossed China’s borders — or even before that, when it was just a whisper I heard from my Wuhanese…
Aba Diktati: Haiti’s Unfinished Democratic Project
While statements from the United Nations and the Organization of American States focus on the ongoing…
Le grand froid au Texas : des coupures d’électricité à…
Face au grand froid historique, le Texas a sombré dans une crise sans précédent ou presque. Bien que les vents…
Blood on the Shelves: The High Cost of Palm Oil and the…
Today's colonial resource exploitation masquerades itself in western markets as a healthy alternative to…
Oh No, O’Toole: A Crisis Looming for the Tories?
O’Toole’s inability to forge out a clear strategy, inept handling of various crises, and oscillation between…