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The Americas
Nord Stream 2 and Europe’s Anti-Pipe Dream
In this neighbourhood dispute, the United States has the best chance at stopping the pipeline's construction, a…
Fiscal Stimulus and the Worth of Every Dollar Spent
Eight million Americans have fallen into poverty and the need for support from food banks has increased by 98 per…
Police Militarization and the Green to Blue Pipeline in…
In fact, “the use of military-grade weapons against protesters in the United States has grown swiftly in the last…
Failing to Protect Our Protectors: The US…
The complete lack of transparency in military courts has coalesced with a toxic misogynistic work culture and a…
COVAX: The Challenges of Equitable Vaccine Distribution
The Canadian government drew criticism in February when it announced that Canada would be the only G-7 country to…
COVID-19 in Government: The Consequences of Public…
Sameer Zuberi, Kamal Khera, Niki Ashton, Rod Phillips, and Pierre Arcand are just a few members of federal and…
For Queen or Country
Though it is hard to imagine why, tabula rasa, Canadians in the twenty-first century would choose to be governed by…
Biden and Bipartisanship: Is Political Compromise a…
Although surely needed given the current political polarization in the United States, Biden’s goal of…
African Continental Free Trade Area: Canada’s…
A bane of Canadian foreign policy has been its tendency to shy away from meaningful engagements in Africa, but its…
Free Speech in the Internet Age: America Needs to Have a…
The free speech debate is important in more ways than one. As our modes of expression change, so must our thinking…
The Fate of the DC Statehood Movement
Under the radar of 2020’s headlining events, another unprecedented thing happened in the nation’s capital: on June…
L’Amérique, l’ex toxique de l’Europe
La gouvernance Trump semble avoir éclairé la dépendance néfaste de l’Europe aux États-Unis – une situation que…