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The Americas
African Continental Free Trade Area: Canada’s…
A bane of Canadian foreign policy has been its tendency to shy away from meaningful engagements in Africa, but its…
Free Speech in the Internet Age: America Needs to Have a…
The free speech debate is important in more ways than one. As our modes of expression change, so must our thinking…
The Fate of the DC Statehood Movement
Under the radar of 2020’s headlining events, another unprecedented thing happened in the nation’s capital: on June…
L’Amérique, l’ex toxique de l’Europe
La gouvernance Trump semble avoir éclairé la dépendance néfaste de l’Europe aux États-Unis – une situation que…
Who gets to be a journalist?
Ensuring the rights of journalists at protests is not only a matter of principle — it is also a question of…
Les réseaux sociaux, l’autre pouvoir : de QAnon à…
Les forums digitalisés, en s’emparant des débats officiels, favorisent l’émergence de perceptions contradictoires…
Équateur : Corruption, Fragmentation, Domination
Les discours des candidats ont été minés par le sujet de la corruption et ont dévoilé une démocratie fragile,…
#ComRacismoNãoHáDemocracia: Racial Discrimination and…
Black politicians are still disproportionately susceptible to discrimination in the form of racial slurs, death…
Ecuador Votes: The Fate of the Amazon is on the Ballot
As Ecuador's presidential election heads to a runoff vote with a focus on economic concerns, the future of the…
Looking for the American Dream
The sense of community and solidarity, unique to the city of Houston, is what for Vera brings the American Dream…
Biden: the End of American Involvement in Afghanistan?
In practice, Biden may be the one to wrap up Trump’s withdrawal plan. Despite hopes among Afghan government…
The Losing Battle of Collective Action Against COVID-19
During this pandemic, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's multiple warnings about the dangers of complacency and …