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The Americas
Can We Separate Christmas from Consumerism?
For many, the contemporary Christmas spirit is rather disconnected from the holiday’s religious purpose. Instead,…
The Gloomy Future of Sino-US Relations under the Biden…
Biden and Trump’s policies are only different in terms of their approaches to China. Whereas the former looks at…
Voluntourism: You Should Not Be Here
"Voluntourism" is a form of international volunteering that has flourished since the 1990s. It is promoted by…
Alberta’s COVID-19 Crisis: Politics in Public Health
Alberta is losing its fight against COVID-19. The province’s healthcare system is overwhelmed, with applied…
Qualified Immunity: Law enforcements’ unjustifiable…
A right is only "clearly established" when a court has previously held an officer accountable for violating the…
Joe Biden à la présidence : quelle place pour les…
Le futur président Joe Biden fait face à une société américaine divisée, mais aussi à un parti démocrate…
The Economic House of Cards
Aside from the 1930s Great Depression, no other crisis exposed the fragility of the economic system quite like the…
Craft Beer at a Cost: Gentrification in Small Town BC
Gentrification begets superficial improvements for these towns' wealthier residents while forcing others onto the…
Au Pérou, il faut imaginer Sisyphe exaspéré
La crise politique traversée par le Pérou ces dernières semaines a cristallisé les années de frustration d’une…
À la rencontre de l’American Dream
Cet esprit de communauté et solidarité, unique à la ville de Houston, est pour Vera ce qui fait basculer le…
A Tale of Race in Two Nations
Despite systemic racism being a considerable issue in both France and the US, the dialogue around the subject of…
From 4chan to Instagram: How QAnon Became Mainstream
QAnon is constantly evolving: while Q-like figures themselves have somewhat been forgotten and many of their…