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The Americas
Pick Your Poison: How the Electoral College Left Voters…
The choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden exposes glaring issues inherent to the American electoral system.
Opinion: Why Do Canadians Care About the US Election?
In 1968, Pierre Trudeau described living next to the United States as “sleeping with an elephant. No matter how…
Climate Change and Racism: A Case Study of Redlining
The legacies of "redlining," a segregationist housing policy, have given BIPOC populations in both the United…
Cyber War: Canada’s New National Security Threat
In the modern global political arena, where classified and crucial information is stored on the web, cybersecurity…
Outsourcing War: Mercenaries as a Foreign Policy Tool
While the use of mercenaries is a conventional practice, its proliferation is nevertheless a cause for concern. By…
Populism, Progressivism, and the Presidency: The…
Populism has deep roots in American politics that stretch back more than a hundred years. Populist efforts in the…
Where Does Fracking Fit in Biden’s Big Tent Campaign?
While Biden’s pledge to “Buy American” seems less brash than Trump’s commitment to put “America First,”…
Trump’s Refusal To Respect Election Results Is a…
If Trump loses the election in November, what follows may put America’s democratic safeguards to the test. Trump’s…
A Court Divided: The Fallout of RBG’s Death
At a time when civil unrest and political division are skyrocketing in the United States, the death of Justice Ruth…
L’Étreinte du serpent et la destruction perpétuelle de…
L'Étreinte du serpent nous montre qu'il est nécessaire d'adopter une perspective locale envers les problématiques…
Droits fondamentaux remis en question aux États-Unis
« Obnubilé par le démantèlement de tout ce qu’avait entrepris son prédécesseur, et notamment du programme…
« Anges gardiens » : derrière l’hypocrisie
Malgré leurs engagements et leurs discours reconnaissants, le gouvernement Legault en fait le moins possible pour…