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The Americas
CANZUK: Modern Alliance or Old Empire?
The past few years have marked the beginning of a dramatic rebalancing of global power, leaving a power vacuum for…
Managing Sino-Canadian Relations in the Arctic
In treading a line between respecting the sovereignty of Arctic states and attempting to articulate the limits of…
Vancouver’s Relapse: Re-Humanizing Addiction
Still, as tempting as it may be to believe in Nancy Reagan’s “just say no” campaign, much of what is disseminated…
Not a Drop to Drink: Canada’s Embarrassing Water…
Canada is one of the largest suppliers of freshwater in the world, controlling about 20 per cent of the world's…
“Space Force”: What is it Good For?
In 2018, President Donald Trump announced the creation of Space Force, a new branch of the United States Armed…
L’immersion en français et le monstre sous son lit
Selon le gouvernement ontarien, l’IF fait partie d’une vision supérieure pour « accroître l’engagement, des élèves,…
Online Platforms and the First Amendment Problem
Although online platforms have existed for decades, their potentially counterproductive influence on electoral…
No Takeoff Planned
Since the beginning of the pandemic, over half of all commercial air traffic has halted, prompting countries to…
The Burning North: A Warning for Humanity
The entire world bears the consequences of the largest emitters’ actions. Compared to the future effects of climate…
The Magnitsky Act: The Anti-Corruption Tool the U.S.…
A decade after Magnitsky’s passing and with no indication that corrupt behaviour is subsiding, this pattern is…
Opinion | Slavery Distorts Conservative Interpretations…
Staff Writer Jonah Fried argues that slavery determined much more than just the wording of the Second Amendment:…
The Colour of Canadian Media
However, where do we, as journalists — specifically journalists of colour — draw the line between education and…