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The Americas
Fair Pay, Fair Play, and the NCAA
The passage of California's Fair Pay to Play Act and the widespread adoption of similar legislation in other states…
Opinion | How a Tongue-tied Tory Party Will be its Ruin
Whilst it is obvious there is no Nicene Creed of Canadian conservatism, whoever is chosen as the next Tory leader…
The Modern Tax Haven
The stage has been set: the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the working population upon…
Dirty Money, Dirty Water: Oil on Trial in the Amazon
In the shadow of the shutdown of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Indigenous communities of Ecuador's Amazon are…
Presidential Narcissism: Ego in the Empty Suit
Taking on a political position is sometimes referred to as moving into ‘service’, which entails a level of…
The “Airbnb Effect” on Affordable Housing
Despite Airbnb marketing itself as a home-sharing platform driven by people trying to make some extra cash, many…
American Voters and the Celebrity-in-Chief Fantasy
Because celebrity candidates lack conventional qualifications and often run on unclear platforms, their appeal may…
COVID-19 from a Public Health Perspective: An Interview…
There are many questions about COVID-19 and its impact on the world in terms of healthcare, politics, and life as…
Pandemic Economy: Recovery Expectations and Pivotal…
Despite gains during the past weeks, unemployment remains worse than the 2008 recession. With high debt to GDP…
Opinion | The US Pandemic Response Failed Workers; All…
This summer, I chose to return to my high school job as a Starbucks barista. The choice to take a summer job was…
Opinion | Atticus Finch Isn’t a Role Model,…
To Kill a Mockingbird should not be ignored simply because it is antiquated, but repurposed for a contemporary…
Free-Riders in NATO? Trump’s Rhetoric In US-German…
While the concept of collective defence is still relevant, Germany and the US's relationship involves much more…